Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Camera troubles

So after I found my camera (phew) I was at the Donner Reed Museum for scouts (someone ask me what we had for a snack, hee hee) and I went to take the boys' pictures inside the jail. Total Photo Op. And the camera busted. It was like "Pictures of scouts? Really? I think this is the all time low, so nope, I am going to resign. Right....NOW!" And then this little error showed up that said Lens error, restart camera. Which would have been all right, except for there is no way to restart the camera. At all. So after tapping it, then hitting it, then almost throwing it I decided it is time to get a new camera. Yay! And then I accidentally fixed it, and now it is JUST LIKE NEW. sigh.


Heather said...

Does this mean pictures of the boy scouts will be posting soon???

Erin Cummings said...

Yeah, seriously Britt, we need pictures. I am tired of looking at Hilary's site to see pictures of your kids. No offense to Hilary, I would look there anyway to see what they are up to and look at her cute kids too! :)

Lacey Sue said...

You crack me up!!! ;) Darn camera's!