Monday, November 10, 2008

Why oh why oh why oh why.....

Can anyone shed some light on something that has plagued me for 5 1/2 years? Why won't my kids go to bed? I am trying to do everything right, I read the stories, say the prayers...I even have Lainee include in her prayer for Marlee to go to sleep, and vice versa...I have COVERED my bases. I do the night time ritual, get them water to keep by the bed, go potty, brush teeth, you name it. I've begged, plead, and threatened. I've tried the Nanny 911 technique, my kids laughed at that one. I've been sweet, not sweet, and downright tyrannical. Nothing works on these kiddos. Marlee is especially a problem here. She will get up at 8:00 a.m., go all day long without a break, and I promise you if I would let her she'd stay up until 4:00 in the morning without batting an eye. I would so love to do the bedtime routine, tuck the kids in sweetly and say good-night and shut the door, check on them 5 minutes later to find them sleeping like little angels. In our house, its more the other way around, the kids say good night, shut my door, and 5 minutes later I'm off to la-la land, and heaven only knows what goes on after that. Any suggestions that don't involve the Vulcan neck pinch? Already tried it. Doesn't work.


sheri said...

I know this has been a problem all Marbel's life, I think Bugsy is your payday in this one! Not one of you kids ever slept though the night until you were over a year old, so I feel your pain....sorta. Maybe that Vulcan neck pinch isn't such a bad idea......
I say wake Marbles up at 6:00, and to bed by 6:30, which means she will go to sleep about 9:00. No tv or computers after 6:00 is my idea! You're a trooper!

Erin Cummings said...

Oh Brittney, I wish I knew the magical answer to getting kids to go to bed and to stay in bed. But, alas, I don't, unless you do something involving benadryl, or duct tape. Hahaha, just kidding. I do like your mom's ideas of getting her up earlier and then cutting out tv and computers. Sometimes if they go straight from the tv or computer to bed, their minds are still going 100 mph and can't calm down. Maybe after school get her involved in gymnastics or dance to help wear her out. Or take her to a jumpy place and see if that makes a difference. Or feed her turkey EVERY night so that the tryptophan can do all the work for you!

Alicia said...

Dearest Brit.-- I LOVE reading your blog!! It is so fun seeing how your cute family is doing!! Oh honey....I feel your pain on the bedtime. I swear the person who comes up with the perfect, stress-free, tear-free, happy, and relaxed bedtime ritual will be one happy man and/or woman!! Good Luck!! FOUR kids later and I still can't quite figure it out!! Maybe one day!! (When they are ready for college!!?? Ha, ha, ha!) I don't know if I gave you our blogspot's I hope you don't mind that I added you to my blog/friend's list. Love ya tons and miss you so much!! Keep in touch

Anonymous said...

OK, Britt. I have some news for you. TV is probably part of the culprit. There is studies going on that indicate that more than 30 minutes of TV in young children can bring on ADHD symptoms. The study has not gone on long enough to really see longitudinally if there is a causitive effect. I am lucky. As an old dad, God blessed me with kids that go to bed on time and will go to sleep quickly. Usually, however, I have to be in the same room doing something on the computer or something. (Long story as to why the computer is in the kid's room) The biggest help is the routine. Bath, jammies, prayers, kisses and hugs and then bed. When we stray from the routine it is torture. Same time nightly is also a help. Technically for younger kids, earlier the better, as they need 12 hours sleep nightly.

IF all else fails duct tape is the handyman's secret weapon.

Anonymous said...

The best thing I ever bought is "Happy sleep habits, happy child," and "good night-sleep tight." They are both good for babies and older kids. How are you anyway? I can't believe you live here now and I never see you. I feel like I am getting back to normal, well as normal as my life will ever be again!! So glad to see that you have a blog-check out mine @
Have a great day and good luck with the sleep issue--BUY THE BOOKS!