Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Here it is, already November, and my last post was...October 13th. I can't belive it, but Halloween ROCKED me, we went to party after party after gathering after corn maze after trunk or treat...I am not exaggerating when I say that we had half a trash bag full of candy. For the most part, the kids had fun. We didn't go to one function without at least a little whining, though. Grandma put together a fun Halloween party, but for some reason, there was a lot of caterwaulin' going on...the effort gets an A+ though. Marlee spotted a unicorn costume and it was love at first sight for her...despite the fact that it is 2 sizes too small, she is wearing that thing into the ground. This is going to be one of those things that she'll look back on and say 'why did you let me out of the house in that thing' and I want all of my readers (ok, ok, I know that my mom is probably the only one reading this) to back me up when I say that I tried desperately to get her interested in something else. Lainers was the all-original princess, Cinderella, and Asher was originally going to be a garden gnome, then we bought a rooster costume which he is terrified of, and ended up being Buzz Lightyear. He is nearly as attached to that costume as Marlee is to the scraggly unicorn. We had one group of trick or treaters at our place, and Lainee pitched a huge fit about giving away one piece of her candy, so the trick or treaters ended up giving some of theirs to her...maybe we should do it that way every year, huh? We'll stay home, you bring the candy to us. Sounds good to me. Either way, I am so glad that Halloween is done, now I can start getting stressed out about Thanksgiving and Christmas...


RyAnn Thompson said...

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I am sooooo very happy right now with all these pictures! You made my day! I love all the costumes and think the kids do well picking on thier own. I have never seen a unicorn costume but now I am in search of one that will fit me for next year.

JaReD said...

Ha, tell mom I need to borrow her sweater for this Ugly Sweater party we are going to next weekend!

Great pics, thanks sis

Heather said...

You are mean Jared! Mom, you looked too cute at the H-ween party!